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Man taken to Georgia for hiding assets, not paying child support

Child support is not a way to punish a non-custodial parent by taking away assets from them, but rather as a means to allow a child to be supported by both parents and for the parents to share in any related costs. A man was recently brought back to Georgia court from another state based on allegations that he lied to authorities and hid assets in his divorce case. The man fled the state during the divorce from his wife and failed to show up for the final hearing in the case. The court granted the wife full custody of the couple's son and did not grant the man any visitation rights as he was viewed as a danger to his wife and child. A warrant for the man's arrest alleged that he attempted to hide $500k in investment accounts during the divorce and claimed he only had $1,000 available. He is also reportedly $300k behind in child support payments to his former wife. The court used the concealed accounts to provide his former wife with a lump-sum alimony payment as well.

Child support is the payment from the assets of the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent to allow both parents to share in the costs of raising a child, rather than making the custodial parent responsible for a greater portion of any necessary payments. Additionally, a child has the right to be financially supported by both parents.

To determine the amount of child support to be paid, the state of Georgia applies the shared income approach. Under this method, the income of both parents is taken into account, as well as costs associated with health insurance, daycare and other payments. After these factors have been taken into account, a rate table is used to determine the proper amount to be ordered.

If a party order to pay child support refuses to do so, however, they may be found in child support contempt. Contempt is not an inability to pay child support, but rather a willing refusal to do so. The man in this case is alleged to not only have hid assets from his former wife, but also refusing to pay over $300k in child support to her as well.

Source: Columbia County News-Times, "Man wanted for lying in divorce proceedings dragged back from Las Vegas," Valerie Rowell, April 6, 2014

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