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December 2013 Archives

Online application seeks to alleviate child support issues

Parents that are divorced may find it difficult to keep track of all of their rights and obligations concerning the custody and support of their child. A mother who has experienced these issues herself recently created an online application that aims to help solve them.

Wife accuses wealthy husband of unpaid child support

The determination of child support payments is an important decision in the divorce process of Georgia parents. Support payments allow a child to be supported financially by both of their parents, regardless of the custody arrangement in place or the financial means of the parents.

Wife of CEO alleges he and law firm moved stocks inappropriately

Dividing property pursuant to a divorce is done based on the rules of the state in which a couple resides. These rules are different from state to state and spouses must be aware of their responsibilities to accurately report assets and not try to hide them or deceive the other party regarding their value. Georgia happens to be an equitable distribution state.

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