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Three Principles for a Successful Georgia Divorce

Every Georgia divorce is different. In some cases, the couple has experienced significant relationship trauma and the partners are poised for a fight. In others, the couple has simply come to the understanding that the marriage will no longer work. They want to resolve any outstanding legal and financial issues as quickly and as amicably as possible.

No matter where your divorce falls along this spectrum, you need to realize that your principal duty in a divorce is to look out for your own long-term best interest. If you're too nice - or too focused on hurting your ex-partner - you could be setting yourself up for trouble down the road.

Over and over again, Georgia divorce lawyers see couples making the same mistakes. If you're going through a divorce, keep the following factors in mind:

  • Be realistic about the house: It might be nice to stay in the family home, especially if you have kids, but think carefully about whether you can actually afford to do so, especially considering you may have to buy out your spouse's half. Sometimes, it's better to just let it go.
  • Get the big picture: Don't focus on one issue at the expense of others. Also, don't be afraid of being the "bad guy." You have a right to get a complete and accurate financial accounting from your spouse, but he or she might not offer it up voluntarily.
  • You need help: Obviously, you'll want to enlist the help of a skilled attorney. But that's not all - you'll likely want to get assistance from other professionals, including a financial planner and perhaps a tax expert. In addition, take advantage of the help state agencies can offer when it comes to child support payments. This will minimize the chance of complications down the road.

Keeping these three principles in mind can help you navigate your divorce while keeping your outlook for the future strong.

Source: Reuters, "Divorce mistakes you can make by being too nice," Geoff Williams, June 26, 2012.

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